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Wednesday 30 November 2011

selamat maalhijrah


Date with respect to Gregorian calendar

Since the Islamic year is 11 to 12 days shorter than the Gregorian year, the Islamic new year does not come on the same day of the Gregorian calendar every year. While some Islamic organizations prefer determining the new month (and hence the new year) dates by local sighting of the moon, most Islamic institutions and countries, including Saudi Arabia[1], follow astronomical calculations to determine future dates of the Islamic calendar. The following dates on the Gregorian calendar correspond to the Islamic new year:
Islamic Year Gregorian Date
1426 AH 10 February 2005
1427 AH 31 January 2006
1428 AH 20 January 2007
1429 AH 10 January 2008
1430 AH 29 December 2008
1431 AH 18 December 2009
1432 AH 7 December 2010
1433 AH 26 November 2011
1434 AH 14 November 2012
1435 AH 3 November 2013
The event also commemorates the death of Prophet Mohammed’s grandson Imam Hussein who, along with his family and followers, was killed in the battle of Karbala in 680 which took place on the tenth day of the month of Muharram.
The Shia Muslims celebrate the day with public enactments of grief.
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Sunday 30 October 2011

raya haji

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Hari Raya Aidiladha

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Hari Raya Aidiladha (bahasa Arab: عيد الأضحى 'Eid Ul-Adha) atau Hari Raya Haji merupakan perayaan yang dirayakan oleh umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Ia adalah perayaan terbesar di dalam Islam selain Aidilfitri yang disambut pada setiap 1 Syawal. Aidiladha disambut pada hari ke sepuluh, sebelas, dua belas dan tiga belas bulan Zulhijjah setiap tahun. Bermula dengan Takbir Aidiladha pada malam 10 Zulhijjah, diikuti dengan solat sunat Aidiladha serta khutbah Aidiladha di pagi 10 Zulhijjah, sambutan diikuti dengan ibadah korban yang boleh dilakukan samada pada 10 atau 11 atau 12 atau siang 13 Zulhijjah.
Aidiladha adalah perayaan yang istimewa kerana ia merupakan hari untuk umat Islam memperingati kisah pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim dalam menunaikan perintah Allah dan ke-sabaran anaknya Nabi Ismail dalam memenuhi perintah Allah s.w.t.
Selain itu, salah satu keistimewaan Aidiladha dan Hari Tasyrik ialah ibadat korban. Ibadat korban ini hanya boleh dilakukan dalam empat hari iaitu bermula waktu selepas khatib menyampaikan khutbah Aidiladha sehingga sebelum tenggelam matahari pada hari ke-13 Zulhijah.
Dari segi bahasa, korban bermaksud dekat, manakala dari segi istilah ia bermaksud menjalankan perintah agama atau taat kepada perintah Allah kerana ingin mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya.
Hari Raya Korban jatuh pada hari kesepuluh pada bulan Zulhijjah, bulan terakhir pada kalender Hijrah Islam. 10 Zulhijjah merupakan tarikh penting dalam sejarah Islam di mana Nabi Adam dan isterinya Hawa dikeluarkan dari syurga dan diturunkan ke bumi sebelum berjumpa di padang Arafah, di luar bandar Mekah.
Pada hari raya, orang Islam disunatkan mengenakan pakaian yang paling cantik, paling bersih, dan juga mengenakan wangi-wangian. Pada pagi hari raya korban, umat Islam akan mengerjakan sembahyang sunat Hari Raya sebanyak 2 rakaat dengan 7 takbir pada rakaat pertama diikuti 5 takbir pada rakaat kedua.
Pada kebiasaannya solat sunat Aidiladha dicepatkan sedikit berbanding solat sunat Aidilfitri. Hikmahnya dicepatkan sedikit waktu solat sunat Aidiladha adalah bagi memberi lebih banyak masa untuk penyembelihan korban. Hikmahnya dilewatkan sedikit solat sunat Aidilfitri pula adalah bagi membenarkan peluang bagi mereka yang belum membayar zakat menunaikan kewajipan mereka dan disunatkan makan dahulu sebelum pergi ke masjid. [1]
Manakala bagi Aidiladha, hikmat disunatkan makan selepasnya supaya makanan yang mula-mula dimakan pada hari itu ialah daging korban yang berkat. Selepas bersembahyang, upacara korban akan dimulakan. Lembu, kambing, dan biri-biri yang dikorbankan akan disembelih secara beramai-ramai di kawasan masjid sebelum dibahagi-bahagikan dagingnya kepada orang ramai terutamanya kepada golongan fakir miskin.
Hari Raya Aidiladha disambut ketika umat Islam membuat penziarahan ke Mekah, mengunjung Kaabah dan melakukan korban sembelihan. Al-Quran tidak menyatakan, tetapi umat Islam memegang bahawa perayaan korban ini memperingati kesanggupan Nabi Ibrahim untuk menyerahkan anaknya sebagai korban kepada Tuhan.
Selepas sembahyang, sekali lagi umat Islam akan berbondong-bondong melawati perkuburan orang yang disayangi. Semua orang akan memakai pakaian baru dan selepas itu yang muda akan memohon kemaafan daripada yang tua. Selepas itu semua orang akan menjamah pelbagai juadah yang disediakan sebelum ziarah dan menziarahi sesama mereka.

[sunting] Hari Raya Aidiladha dalam hadis

  • Berdasarkan kepada hadis (terjemahan) yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Daud daripada Anas r.a, yang bermaksud: "Rasulullah SAW datang ke Madinah, sedangkan mereka sedang sibuk bergembira selama dua hari. Maka Rasulullah SAW bertanya: Hari apakah yang dua hari ini? Mereka menjawab: Kami biasa bergembira selama dua hari pada zaman Jahiliah: Kemudian Rasulullah bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Allah SWT telah menggantikannya dengan hari yang lebih baik daripada dua hari itu bagi kamu iaitu Aidilfitri dan Aidiladha." (Diriwayatkan Imam Abu Daud dan an-Nasai daripada Anas)
  • Berdasarkan kepada hadis (terjemahan) “Tiada amal anak Adam yang lebih disukai Allah pada hari Aidiladha melainkan ibadat korban. Sesungguhnya binatang yang dikorbankan itu akan datang pada hari kiamat lengkap dengan tanduk, bulu dan kukunya. Sesungguhnya ibadat korban ini diredhai Allah sebelum darah binatang itu jatuh ke bumi. Maka hendaklah kamu berasa lapang dada dan reda akan ibadat korban yang kamu lakukan.” (Hadis riwayat At-Tirmizi)
  • Berdasarkan sebuah hadis (terjemahan) yang telah diriwayatkan oleh Imam Tirmizi dan Al-Hakim yang bermaksud: "Tiada dibuat oleh anak Adam pada Hari Raya Adha akan sesuatu amal yang lebih disukai Allah daripada menumpahkan darah (menyembelih korban). Bahawa korban itu datang pada hari kiamat dengan tanduk-tanduknya, bulu-bulunya dan kuku-kukunya. Sesungguhnya darah korban itu mengambil tempat yang mulia di sisi Allah sebelum darah itu tumpah ke bumi, maka hendaklah kamu buat korban itu dengan hati yang bersih."
  • Berdasarkan sebuah hadis (terjemahan) Ibnu Abbas dan Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansariy r.a:
Diriwayatkan daripada Ibnu Juraij katanya: Aku telah diberitahu oleh Ata' daripada Ibnu Abbas dan Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansariy r.a kedua-duanya berkata: Tidak ada azan bagi sembahyang Hari Raya Fitrah (Aidilfitri) dan sembahyang Hari Raya Korban (Aidiladha). Selepas beberapa ketika aku bertanya Ata' tentang perkara tersebut: Lantas dia menjawab dengan berkata: Aku telah diberitahu oleh Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansariy r.a bahawa: Tidak ada azan bagi sembahyang Hari Raya Fitrah (Aidilfitri), baik ketika imam keluar atau sesudahnya. Juga tiada iqamat atau apa-apa pun.[2]
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Bendera Malaysia Perayaan dan cuti umum di Malaysia

Wednesday 26 October 2011

sejarah dan pasai parit buntar

Parit Buntar terletak di utara negeri Perak, bersempadan dengan Bandar Baharu, Kedah dan Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang. Parit Buntar terletak berhampiran dengan Bagan Serai, Kuala Kurau, Tanjung Piandang dan Bagan Tiang. Parit Buntar merupakan pusat pentadbiran daerah Kerian.

Isi kandungan

Sejarah nama bandar Parit Buntar berasal daripada nama seorang pemimpin iaitu Tok Buntar masyarakat yang terkenal pada masa dahulu di mana beliau dan pengikut-pengikutnya telah membina parit dari Sungai Kerian untuk dialirkan ke sawah-sawah. Parit tersebut pada asalnya dikenali Parit Tok Buntar dan seterusnya dikenali sebagai Parit Buntar.
Jam Besar di pekan lama Parit Buntar ini merupakan antara mercu tanda bandar Parit Buntar. Jam besar ini telah dirasmikan oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman pada 24 Ogos 1961 untuk memperingati kemajuan dan kemakmuran cemerlang semua penduduk Parit Buntar. Parit Buntar dihubungkan dengan Bandar Baharu melalui jambatan yang melintasi Sungai Kerian. Sungai ini juga mencatat sejarah apabila sekitar pertengahan tahun 1970-an tragedi feri karam telah menyebabkan ramai yang terkorban. Dahulu di tepi sungai ini terkenal dengan gerai makan yang dipanggil Terapung. Ketika itu Terapung menjadi tempat tumpuan utama masyarakat di Parit Buntar. Ketika dahulu, kedai jalan tepi sungai ini merupakan tempat utama untuk orang-orang Parit Buntar membeli baju-baju sukan yang berjenama dan juga barangan lain.

[sunting] Wakil rakyat

[sunting] Kemudahan

  • Dewan Seri Kerian
  • Dewan Merdeka
  • Padang Bandaran
  • Laman Pusat Bandar
  • Hentian Raya Parit Buntar
  • Hentian Teksi Pusat Bandar
  • Arked Niaga Parit Buntar

[sunting] Pelancongan

Parit Buntar tidak mempunyai banyak pusat pelancongan atau tapak sejarah tetapi ia mempunyai taman rekreasi yang tersendiri.
  • Taman Rekreasi Pinggiran Sungai Kerian
  • Taman Rekreasi Ampang Jajar
  • Medan Selera Jambatan Parit Buntar-Bandar Baharu
  • Bangunan Lama di Stesen keretapi Parit Buntar
  • Menara Jam Parit Buntar
Pelancongan Sekitar Parit Buntar (Kerian)
  • Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary
  • Hutan Simpan Matang
  • Bandar Bagan Serai
  • Bukit Merah Laketown Resort (tapak web)
  • Pantai Ban Pecah, Tg. Piandang (maklumat di MDK)

[sunting] Penginapan

Pengunjung juga boleh menginap di beberapa hotel di Parit Buntar yang bertaraf 2 bintang dan menikmati menu hidangan daerah Kerian yang juga disediakan di beberapa hotel di Parit Buntar.

[sunting] Membeli-belah & menjamu selera

Pengunjung boleh membeli belah di pusat membeli-belah yang terkenal dan agak besar. Pengunjung juga dapat menikmati pelbagai menu pilihan yang disajikan dan terkenal di negeri Perak ini.
  • Pasaraya Econsave
  • Billion Supermarket
  • Pasaraya Minat
  • A Mall (akan datang)
  • Pasar Malam Hari Jumaat (sekitar Jam Besar) - terbesar di utara Perak
  • Pasar Ramadhan (bulan puasa)
  • Tesco (akan datang 2012)

[sunting] Restoran dan kafe

  • Old Town Cafe
  • Libra Coffea House
  • Restoran KFC Parit Buntar
  • Pizza Hut Restaurant
  • Yakin Usaha Cafe
  • Shangri-La Restaurant
  • Laman Selera Parit Buntar
  • Straberry Cafe
  • Restoran Nasser & Restoran Riyaz
  • Bamboo Inn
  • Secret Recipe
  • Shunka Japanese & Fusion Foods

[sunting] Hospital

[sunting] Masjid

  1. Masjid Ar-Rahmaniah, Tebok Jawa 34200 Parit Buntar
  2. Masjid Daerah Kerian 34200 Parit Buntar
  3. Masjid Hijau, Kampung Kedah, 34200 Parit Buntar
  4. Masjid Mahyuddin Batu 5, Jalan Baru 34200 Parit Buntar
  5. Masjid Parit Tok Ngah Darat 34200 Parit Buntar
  6. Masjid Simpang 5 34200 Parit Buntar
  7. Masjid Sungai Setar batu 2, Jalan Sempadan 34200 Parit Buntar
  8. Masjid Jamek Titi Serong 34200 Parit Buntar

[sunting] Laman parti politik di Parit Buntar

  1. Parti Islam Semalaysia (PAS) Kawasan Parit Buntar - Laman Web

[sunting] Pautan luar

Sunday 23 October 2011

raya hinduDiwali (also spelled Devali in certain regions) or Deepavali[note 1], popularly known as the "festival of lights", is an important festival in Hinduism, celebrated for different reasons, occurring between mid-October and mid-November. For Hindus, Diwali is one of the most important festivals of the year and is celebrated in families by performing traditional activities together in their homes. For Jains, Diwali marks the attainment of moksha or nirvana by Mahavira in 527 BC.[1][2] Deepavali is an official holiday in India,[3] Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Mauritius, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, Suriname, Malaysia, Singapore,[4] and Fiji. The name "Diwali" is a contraction of "Deepavali" (Sanskrit: दीपावली Dīpāvalī), which translates into "row of lamps".[5] Diwali involves the lighting of small clay lamps (diyas or dīpas) in Sanskrit: दीप) filled with oil to signify the triumph of good over evil. During Diwali, all the celebrants wear new clothes and share sweets and snacks with family members and friends. The festival starts with Dhanteras on which most Indian business communities begin their financial year. The second day of the festival, Naraka Chaturdasi, marks the vanquishing of the demon Naraka by Lord Krishna and his wife Satyabhama. Amavasya, the third day of Deepawali, marks the worship of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth in her most benevolent mood, fulfilling the wishes of her devotees. Amavasya also tells the story of Lord Vishnu, who in his dwarf incarnation vanquished the Bali, and banished him to Patala. It is on the fourth day of Deepawali, Kartika Shudda Padyami, that Bali went to patala and took the reins of his new kingdom in there. The fifth day is referred to as Yama Dvitiya (also called Bhai Dooj), and on this day sisters invite their brothers to their homes. Dates A Thai historic artwork depicting the battle which took place between Rama and Ravana Krishna and Satyabhama fighting Narakasura's armies -Painting from the Metropolitan Museum Houses full of lights Diwali falls on the one new moon night between mid-October and mid-November. Deepavali is celebrated for five days according to the lunisolar Hindu Calendar. It begins in late Ashvin (between September and October) and ends in early Kartika (between October and November). The first day is Dhan Teras. The last day is Yama Dvitiya, which signifies the second day of the light half of Kartika. Each day of Deepavali marks one celebration of the six principal stories associated with the festival.[6] Hindus have several significant events associated with Diwali: * The return of Rama after 14 years of Vanvas (banishment). To welcome his return, diyas (ghee lamps) were lit in rows of 20. * The killing of Narakasura: Celebrated as Naraka Chaturdashi, one day before Deepavali, it commemorates the killing of the evil demon Narakasura, who wreaked havoc. Krishna's wife Satyabhama killed Narakasura during the Dwapara yuga. In another version of the belief, the demon was killed by Krishna or Krishna provoked his wife Satyabhama to kill Narshna, defeating Indra. * Govardhan Puja is celebrated the day after Deepavali and is the day Krishna defeated Indra, the deity of thunder and rain. According to the story, Krishna saw preparations for an annual offering to Lord Indra and asked his father Nanda about it. He debated with the villagers about what their 'dharma' truly was. They were farmers, they should do their duty and concentrate on farming and protection of their cattle. He said that all human beings should do their 'karma' to the best of their ability and not pray for natural phenomenon. The villagers were convinced by Krishna, and did not proceed with the special puja (prayer). Indra was then angered, and flooded the village. Krishna lifted Mount Govardhan and held it up to protect the people and cattle from the rain. Indra finally accepted defeat and recognized Krishna as supreme. Although this aspect of Krishna's life is sometimes ignored[citation needed] it sets up the basis of the 'karma' philosophy later detailed in the Bhagavat Gita. Other events associated with Diwali include: * Return of Pandavas after 12 years of Vanvas and one year of agyatavas (living incognito). Diwali being festival of lights, across India people celebrate it via symbolic diyas or kandils (colourful paper lanterns) as an integral part of Diwali decorations. Rangoli, decorations made from coloured powder, is popular during Diwali Deepavali celebrations are spread over five days, from Dhanteras to Bhaiduj. In some places like Maharashtra it starts with Vasu Baras.[7] All the days except Diwali are named according to their designation in the Hindu calendar. The days are: 1. Govatsa Dwadashi or Vasu Baras (27 Ashvin or 12 Krishna Paksha Ashvin): Go means cow and vatsa means calf. Dwadashi or Baras means the 12th day. On this day the cow and calf are worshiped. The story associated with this day is that of King Prithu, son of the tyrant King Vena. Due to the ill rule of Vena, there was a terrible famine and earth stopped being fruitful. Prithu chased the earth, who is usually represented as cow, and ‘milked’ her, meaning that he brought prosperity to the land. 2. Dhanatrayodashi or Dhan teras or Dhanwantari Triodasi[8] (28 Ashvin or 13 Krishna Paksha Ashvin): Dhana means wealth and Trayodashi means 13th day. This day falls on the 13th day of the second half of the lunar month. It is considered an auspicious day for buying utensils and gold, hence the name ‘Dhana’. This day is regarded as the Jayanti (Birth Anniversary) of God Dhanvantari, the Physician of Gods, who came out during Samudra manthan, the churning of the great ocean by the gods and the demons. 3. Naraka Chaturdashi (29 Ashvin or 14 Krishna Paksha Ashvin): Chaturdashi is the 14th day This was the day on which the demon Narakasura was killed by Krishna – an incarnation of Vishnu. It signifies the victory of good over evil and light over darkness (Gujarati: Kali Chaudas, Rajasthan : Roop Chaudas). In southern India, this is the actual day of festivities. Hindus wake up before dawn, have a fragrant oil bath and dress in new clothes. They light small lamps all around the house and draw elaborate kolams /rangolis outside their homes. They perform a special puja with offerings to Krishna or Vishnu, as he liberated the world from the demon Narakasura on this day. It is believed that taking a bath before sunrise, when the stars are still visible in the sky is equivalent to taking a bath in the holy Ganges. After the puja, children burst firecrackers heralding the defeat of the demon. As this is a day of rejoicing, many will have very elaborate breakfasts and lunches and meet family and friends. 4. Lakshmi Puja (30 Ashvin or 15 Krishna Paksha Ashvin): Lakshmi Puja marks the most important day of Diwali celebrations in North India. Hindu homes worship Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, and Ganesh, the God of auspicious beginnings, and then light lamps in the streets and homes to welcome prosperity and well-being. 5. Bali Pratipada and Govardhan Puja (1 Kartika or 1 Shukla Paksha Kartika) : In North India, this day is celebrated as Govardhan Puja, also called Annakoot, and is celebrated as the day Krishna – an incarnation of god Vishnu – defeated Indra and by the lifting of Govardhana hill to save his kinsmen and cattle from rain and floods. For Annakoot, large quantities of food are decorated symbolizing the Govardhan hill lifted by Krishna. In Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, it is celebrated as Bali-Pratipada or Bali Padyami. The day commemorates the victory of Vishnu in his dwarf form Vamana over the demon-king Bali, who was pushed into the patala. In Maharashtra, it is called as Padava or Nava Diwas (new day). Men present gifts to their wives on this day. It is celebrated as the first day of the Vikram Samvat calender, in Gujarat. 6. Yama Dwitiya or Bhaiduj (also Bhayyaduj, Bhaubeej or Bhayitika) (2 Kartika or 2 Shukla Paksha Kartika): on this day, brothers and sisters meet to express love and affection for each other (Gujarati: Bhai Bij, Bengali: Bhai Phota). It is based on a story when Yama, lord of Death, visited his sister Yami (the river Yamuna). Yami welcomed Yama with an Aarti and they had a feast together. Yama gave a gift to Yami while leaving as a token of his appreciation. So, the day is also called 'YAMA DWITIYA'. Brothers visit their sisters’ place on this day and usually have a meal there, and also give gifts to their sisters. [edit] Lakshmi Puja Main article: Lakshmi Puja Deepavali marks the end of the harvest season in most of India. Farmers give thanks for the bounty of the year gone by, and pray for a good harvest for the year to come. Traditionally this marked the closing of accounts for businesses dependent on the agrarian cycle, and is the last major celebration before winter. Lakshmi symbolizes wealth and prosperity, and her blessings are invoked for a good year ahead. ... There are two legends that associate the worship of Lakshmi on this day. According to the first legend, on this day, Lakshmi emerged from Kshira Sagar, the Ocean of Milk, during the great churning of the oceans, Samudra manthan. The second legend (more popular in western India) relates to the Vamana avatar of the big three Vishnu, the incarnation he assumed to kill the demon king Bali. On this day, Vishnu came back to his abode the Vaikuntha; so those who worship Lakshmi receive the benefit of her benevolent mood, and are blessed with mental, physical and material well-being.[9] As per spiritual references, on this day "Lakshmi-panchayatan" enters the Universe. Vishnu, Indra, Kubera, Gajendra and Lakshmi are elements of this "panchayatan" (a group of five). The tasks of these elements are: * Lakshmi: Divine Energy (Shakti) which provides energy to all the above activities. * Vishnu: Happiness (happiness and satisfaction) * Kubera: Wealth (generosity; one who shares wealth) * Indra: Opulence (satisfaction due to wealth) * Gajendra: Carries the wealth [edit] Diwali Greetings * Deepavali ki Shubhkamnayein (दीपावली की शुभकामनाएं): Greeting in Hindi * Deepavali Nalvaazhtukkal (தீபாவளி நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்) :Greeting in Tamil * Deepavali Habbada Shubhashayagalu (ದೀಪಾವಳಿ ಹಬ್ಬದ ಶುಭಾಷಯಗಳು): Greeting in Kannada * Deepavali Shubhakankshalu (దీపావళి శుభాకా౦కలు) :Greeting in Telugu * Shubh Deepavali/ Diwalichya Shubhechha (शुभ दीपावली /दिवाळीच्या शुभेच्छा ): Greeting in[Marathi] * Deepavali Aashamsagal: Greeting in Malayalam [edit] Significance in other religions Diwali, the Festival of Light, comes at the end of October or early November. It's a festival that Sikhs, Hindus and Jains celebrate. [edit] Jainism Replica of Pava temple at Pansara. Mahavira attained Nirvana at Pava. Diwali has a very special significance in Jainism, just like Buddha Purnima, the date of Buddha's Nirvana, is for Buddhists as Easter is for Christians. Lord Mahavira, the last of the Jain Tirthankaras, attained Nirvana or Moksha on this day at Pavapuri on Oct. 15, 527 BC, on Chaturdashi of Kartika, as Tilyapannatti of Yativrashaba from the sixth century states: Mahavira is responsible for establishing the Dharma followed by Jains even today. According to tradition, the chief disciple of Mahavira, Ganadhara Gautam Swami also attained complete knowledge (Kevalgyana) on this day, thus making Diwali one of the most important Jain festivals. Mahavira attained his nirvana at the dawn of the amavasya (new moon). According to the Kalpasutra by Acharya Bhadrabahu, 3rd century BC, many gods were present there, illuminating the darkness.[10] The following night was pitch black without the light of the gods or the moon. To symbolically keep the light of their master's knowledge alive: 16 Gana-kings, 9 Malla and 9 Lichchhavi, of Kasi and Kosal, illuminated their doors. They said: "Since the light of knowledge is gone, we will make light of ordinary matter" ("गये से भवुज्जोये, दव्वुज्जोयं करिस्समो"). Dipavali was mentioned in Jain books as the date of the nirvana of Mahavira. In fact, the oldest reference to Diwali is a related word, dipalikaya, which occurs in Harivamsha-Purana, written by Acharya Jinasena[11] and composed in the Shaka Samvat era in the year 705. ततस्तुः लोकः प्रतिवर्षमादरत् प्रसिद्धदीपलिकयात्र भारते | समुद्यतः पूजयितुं जिनेश्वरं जिनेन्द्र-निर्वाण विभूति-भक्तिभाक् |२० | tatastuh lokah prativarsham-araat ako prasiddha-deepalikaya-aatra bharate samudyatah poojayitum jineshvaram jinendra-nirvana vibhuti-bhaktibhak Translation: The gods illuminated Pavanagari by lamps to mark the occasion. Since that time, the people of Bharat celebrate the famous festival of "Dipalika" to worship the Jinendra (i.e. Lord Mahavira) on the occasion of his nirvana. Dipalikaya roughly translates as "light leaving the body". Dipalika, which can be roughly translated as "splendiferous light of lamps", is used interchangeably with the word "Diwali". Vira Nirvana Samvat: The Jain year starts with Pratipada following Diwali. Vira Nirvana Samvat 2534 starts with Diwali 2007. The Jain business people traditionally started their accounting year from Diwali. The relationship between the Vir and Shaka era is given in Titthogali Painnaya and Dhavalaa by Acharya Virasena: पंच य मासा पंच य वास छच्चेव होन्ति वाससया| परिणिव्वुअस्स अरिहितो तो उप्पन्नो सगो राया|| Thus the Nirvana occurred 605 years and 5 months before the Saka era. On 21 October 1974 the 2500th Nirvana Mahotsava was celebrated by the Jains throughout India.[2] [edit] Sikhism For Sikhs, Diwali is particularly important which they celebrate after the celebration of Bandi Chhorh Divas (the Day of Freedom), celebrating the release from prison of the Sixth Guru, Guru Hargobind Ji, and 52 other princes with him, in 1619. The Sikh tradition holds that the Emperor Jahangir had imprisoned Guru Hargobind Ji and 52 princes. The Emperor was asked to release Guru Hargobind Ji which he agreed to do. However, the Guru asked that the princes be released also. The Emperor agreed, but said only those who could hold onto his cloak tail would be allowed to leave the prison. This was in order to limit the number of prisoners who could leave. However, Guru Hargobind Ji had a cloak made with 52 pieces of string and so each prince was able to hold onto one string and leave prison. Sikhs celebrated the return of their Guru by lighting the Sri Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) and this tradition continues today. [12] An important Sikh event associated with Diwali is the martyrdom of the elderly Sikh scholar and strategist Bhai Mani Singh in 1737. Bhai Mani Singh was the Granthi (keeper/reader of Sikh scripture) of Harmandir Sahib (popularly known as the Golden Temple). He transcribed the final version of Guru Granth Sahib dictated to him by Guru Gobind Singh in 1704. Bhai Mani Singh assumed charge of Harmandir Sahib's management in 1708. In 1737, he received permission from Zakariya Khan, the then Mughal governor of Punjab, to hold a religious gathering of the Khalsa for celebrating Bandi Chhorh Diwas on the auspicious day of Diwali for a large tax of 5000 Rupees. He expected to put together the required sum from contribution made by the Sikhs who would assemble that day. But on discovered Zakariya Khan's plot to kill the Sikhs during the gathering, he sent out messages warning them not to turn up for the meeting. As a result the tax could not be paid and Zakariya Khan ordered Bhai Mani Singh's execution at Lahore. Ever since the Bandi Chhorh Diwas celebrated during Diwali is also commemorated the martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh. It is also believed that this event along with other Sikh martyrdoms gave further momentum to the Khalsa struggle for freedom and eventual success in establishing the Khalsa rule in the north of Delhi.[13] [edit] Buddhism While not a large occasion in some Buddhists including Newar Buddhists celebrate Diwali through the chanting of mantras and remembering Emperor Ashoka who converted to Buddhism on this day, and therefore Buddhists also know the festival as Ashok Vijayadashami. Their temples and monasteries are well decorated during this time and the Buddha is worshiped with full honors.[14][15][16] [edit] Regional variations within India The celebrations vary in different regions: [edit] Southern India * In Southern India, the festival is called Deepavali. * In Southern India, Narakasura vadha is the main day, with celebrations involving bursting firecrackers at dawn after Lakshmi puja. It is celebrated as Narakachaturdashi in Karnataka, * Deepavali is one of the seven most important festivals of Andhra Pradesh. It is very popular with children who celebrate Deepavali because of the excitement of bursting firecrackers. Special shops to sell firecrackers are set up in all towns, cities and bigger villages. There are some traditional customs followed such as buying new clothes for this festival. Buying new home or vehicles is considered auspicious. Special sweets are made too. Some eateries in Hyderabad make some delicious sweets during Deepavali which will not be available at any other time. Meat and alcohol are generally not consumed. Tradition has it that Andhraites gift sweets during Deepavali. Some areas host local stage story telling called Hari Katha. Some areas may put a huge Narakasura dummy made with firecrackers. This will be burst by a person dressed as Lord Krishna or, more accurately, a costume of Satyabhama, the consort of Lord Krishna, who actually killed the demon Narakasura; an event that is celebrated as Deepavali for generations. The evening sky of Deepavali is a colourful sight to watch. * Kerala is the only state in India where Diwali is not a major festival. Traditionally, Deepavali celebrations in Kerala are on a low key affair. The native people of Kerala do not celebrate Diwali. But places in Kerala where prominent Tamil, Bengali and various North Indian communities resides, Diwali Festival is celebrated with great zest. People of these communities arrange grand feasts and go to temples and fairs, visit friends and relatives. [edit] Gujarat Crystal Clear app kedit.svg This article may need to be rewritten entirely to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards, as section. You can help. The discussion page may contain suggestions. (October 2011) Diwali in Gujarat[9] : From aaso vad Agyaras (11th day from full/no moon) to dev Diwali people lit the diyas (now uses lamp series also) to decorate the house, which protects them from evil spirits as believed. [edit] Agyaras: (Aso vad 11)[17] Gujaratis begin their Diwali celebrations before Dhan Teras, on the 11th day of aaso. The day is devoted to preparing the choicest snacks and dry fruits, to wish new year to relatives & neighbours. [edit] Vagh Baras[18]: (Aso vad 12) This is also known as Govatsa dwadashi and Guru Dwadashi. On this day the cow and calf are worshiped. Vagh here refers to repaying one's financial debts. Therefore people clear their account ledgers (khata) today and do not enter into new transactions using new ledgers until after Labh Pancham. Vagh baras is also celebrated in a unique fashion in some Dhodia villages where some men colour themselves in stripes representing the Vagh and others as plain white or other colours denoting cattle. The tiger chases the cattle. Finally, at the end of the sport, the village inhabitants eat food together at a common place and celebrate. [edit] Dhanteras[19]: (Aso vad 13) Most communities worship the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, by performing puja. Material wealth in the form of gold jewelry and money (or old coins/Diamonds) are often used to represent wealth in these worship ceremonies. Gujaratis believe money spent on this day will bring prosperity to their family and home during the coming year. [edit] Kali Chaudash[20]: (Aso vad 14) Kali means black or mahakali (goddess who wins over black magic). Chaudash means 14. So the natives prepare Vada to Hanumanji and get protection from ghosts & evils spirits. Tantric's goes to the crematorium (called smashan in Gujarati) (called samshan in Hindi) to get powerful results. [edit] Diwali: (30th day of aaso) Aaso Amas File:Diyas.jpg A circular arrangement of several diyas in a plate (15th day from full moon day when moon disappears). Celebrated in all parts of India. Diwali is the last day of the Hindu year and people go to temples and thank the gods for the wonderful previous year. People wish a Happy Diwali to neighbors & relatives via cards (recently SMSs/emails/calls). The whole day is considered as the last day to prepare for the coming new year. People explode expensive fireworks throughout the entire night. Mostly natives perform special puja(worship) of the goddess of Wealth 'Laxmi'. The houses are decorated with diyas specially in open spaces opposite the front door. Even rangoli is prepared around the lit diyas. [edit] બેસતું વર્ષ (Bestu Varas )(Hindu New year)[21] Kartak sud Ekam(1), * It is referred at the Gujarati Hindu new year according to the Indian calendar based on lunar cycles, and 'Kartak' is the first month in this new year while 'Ekam' refers to the first day * People greet each other on this day by uttering, Saal Mubaarak. This is an Urdu saying but is said commonly by Gujarati people (Hindi/Gujarati/ Urdu), 'nutanvarsh abhinandan' is the perfect Gujarati word to wish Bestu Varas (Sanskrit/ Gujarati) "shub varsh", Happy New Year. The day starts with heavy fireworks, to welcome New Year, in the early morning, as Hindus believe morning starts at 4am. The local young boys sell raw salt (collected from a salt evaporation pond), calling it "sabras" -- which means all taste, to make the natives' new year prosperous. Homes are decorated with the aaso palav & marigolds (galgota)/s toran (door hangings) & rangoli beside the front door. Home-made snacks are offered to the guests & neighbors who come to wish a good new year. * Bali pujan on this day. Lord Vaman asked King Bali for 3 strides of land (ref. Devpodhi Ekadashi for details). King Bali pleased the Lord by offering everything. In remembrance of his devotion, Vamanji gave a boon that this auspicious day will be famed as 'Balipratipadaa' (Skand Puran 24/10). [edit] Bhai Bij[22] kartak sud Bij(2), On this day the sister worships her brother.The brother stands for Krishna who did the noble deed of killing the demon Narkasura. Sister wishes him a long & healthy life and offers him Tilak & Aarti with warmth.The sister asks the Lord for the well-being of her brother, who is her the time where in the bond of love between a brother and sister is further strengthened as sister invites brother at her home for dinner/lunch asks God for her brother/s long and successful life while she receives presents from her beloved brother's as a token of love & affection. [edit] Labh Pacham[23] Sathiya kartak sud pacham(5), the shop owners & most businessmen starts their business for the year, which they had closed since diwali. They start new account ledgers(Khatu) by writing "Shubh" means Auspicious, on left & "Labh" means Profit, on right & Sathiya on center, on 1st page. People also go for shopping which is said to be profitable & lucky for whole year. [edit] Dev diwali[24] Kartak sud Purnima (full moon day), 15th day of kartak, the belief is that, after leaving king Bali, the lord rejoined on this day. The Gods celebrated his arrival in jubilation. Locals also celebrate the day with the fire works in the morning & wishes all the relatives/neighbours new year wishes whom they could not wished during new year, as it is considered the last day to greet new year. [edit] Cityscape Panoramic view of Tirunelveli asked from the Palayamkottai bank of river Thamirabarani. Sulochana Mudaliar bridge, the 12-arch link between both cities, is on the far right of this Diwali 2009 image. [edit] In Tamil Nadu Sivakasi fireworks on display. A chakra firework In Tamil Nadu it is celebrated as Deepavali they celebrate this by lighting deepams, bursting fireworks, wearing new clothes and sharing sweets. A traditional visit to the Temple is a significant ritual of the day. * The city Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu is the capital of India’s firework industry with about 8,000 factories, producing 90 percent of the country's total fireworks output. It also has the world's largest fireworks manufacturing unit. The entire house is cleaned and new clothes are purchased for the entire family which is followed by lighting of oil lamps around the house and bursting firecrackers. [edit] In Karnataka The entire house is cleaned and new clothes are purchased for the entire family which is followed by lighting of oil lamps around the house and bursting firecrackers. The celebration of Diwali is marked by the lighting of innumerable lamps in every courtyard and the bursting of crackers. Sweetmeals, new clothes and spirit is there as in other festivals. The time for rejoicing is mainly early morning and late night. These hours of darkness bordering the waking hours are preferred as lights and crackers are the highlights of the festivities and these need darkness to have their illuminating effect. Hence people rise early and go late to sleep. [edit] In Andhra Pradesh In Northern India, Diwali is usually celebrated during the evenings with fireworks and diyas. However, in Andhra Pradesh, the festivities start out at the crack of dawn and carry on well into the night. Most people make a trip to the local temple along with their families to seek the blessings of their respective Gods. The night sky is lit up with a scintillating array of noisy fireworks. People clean/white-wash or paint/decorate their homes as it is a very auspicious day; to welcome the goddess of wealth and prosperity i.e. Lakshmi devi to their homes. Homes are lit up with hundreds of diyas and colorful Deepavali Rangolis (link) adorn the doorways. After all this preparation all the members of the family perform the Lakshmi pooja. Another custom involves decorating homes with paper figures. Festivities cut across boundaries to move on from the small villages to the big towns, often beginning almost a month before Deepawali. Sales of expensive silk saris, jewellery, ornaments, and household goods increase. From the poor to the rich, everyone indulges in the largest shopping spree of the year. Sweets, which are an integral part of any festival in Andhra Pradesh, are prepared or purchased from shops. The festival is full of messages depicting one or more aspects of human life, relationships, and ancient traditions. [edit] In Maharashtra In Maharashtra, Diwali starts from Vasubaras which is the 12th day of the 2nd half of the Marathi month Ashvin. This day is celebrated by performing an Aarti of the cow and its calf - which is a symbol of love between mother and her baby. The next day is Dhana Trayodashi. This day is of special importance for traders and business people. It is also considered an auspicious day for making important purchases, especially metals, including kitchenware and precious metals like silver and gold. This is followed by Naraka Chaturdashi. On this day people get up early in the morning and take their bath before sunrise while stars are still visible. Bathing is an elaborate process on this day with abundant use of ‘ubtans’, oils and perfumes, and is preceded by an Aarti performed on the person by some lady, usually mother or wife. The whole process is referred to as ‘abhyanga-snaan’. Then comes Lakshmi- pooja. It occurs on Amavasya i.e. no moon day. The dark night is illuminated by lamps and at dusk firecrackers are burst. New account books are opened after a pooja. Generally the traders do not make any payments on that day (according to their belief Lakshmi should not be given away but must come home). In every household, cash, jewellery and an idol of the goddess Lakshmi is worshipped. Friends, neighbours and relatives are invited over and celebrations are in full swing. The broom used to clean one's house is also worshipped as a symbol of Lakshmi in some places . Padwa' is the 1st day of the new month – Kartik in the Hindu calendar. It marks the start of Hindu financial year. Its a special day for Husband and wife. The wife puts tilak on her husbands forehead and gets an expensive gift. In recent times there is a growing trend of organising a cultural event called 'Diwali Padwa' early in the morning. Bhaubeej – it is the time when the bond of love between a brother and sister is further strengthened as the sister asks God for her brother/s' long and successful life while she receives presents from her beloved brothers. [edit] In Orissa Deepavali is celebrated with great joy. Rows of oil lamps, candles adorn the thresholds of all houses. Firecrackers are burst, sweetmeals are relished and distributed. Some people also worship family goddess. Tarpanam is done in the morning of deepavali. All the members of the household gather together just after dusk. A rangoli(Muruja) of a sailboat is made on the ground. The boat has seven chambers in north,ten chamber in east,and twelve chamber in south.the east chamber are meant for gods.north chamber for seer or Rishi and south chambers for manes and forefathers. Over the drawing of each different chamber several items are kept - cotton, mustard, salt, asparagus root, turmeric,sweets,cakes and a wild creeper. Over the central chamber are the offerings meant for [prasad]. Perched over the prasad is a jute stem with a cloth wick tied around the edge. It is lit at the beginning of the puja. All members of the family hold a bundle of jute stems in their hands, Lighting their respective bundles from the flame on the rangoli, they raise them skywards fo their forefathers chanting: Badabadua ho andhaara e asa Aluaa e Jaao Baaisi pahacha e Gadagadau thaao (meaning-oh our ancestors,seers and gods you came on the dark night of Mahalaya,and now it is time for you to depart for heaven,so we are showing light,may you attain peace in abode of Jagannatha) Beside the rangoli, a mortar and pestle and a plough are also kept and worshiped. After the puja and offerings, the family celebrates Diwali festival by bursting firecrackers. As in other regions, most people prefer to celebrate it in their own homes, though family gatherings are also common. For Diwali houses are brightly lit, with the doors and windows kept open as Lakshmi is supposed to visit every home, and you can't afford to leave it dark and abandoned. Various kinds of Pithas are prepared and given to the deities and forefathers, and enjoyed with family and friends. The ritual of Kali Puja is a famous affair in puri, Bhadrak, Rourkela, Cuttack &Jajpur area.[10] [edit] In Bengal & Assam Kali Puja in Kolkata and Assam. Kali Puja is light-up night for Kolkata & Assam, corresponding to the festival of Diwali (pronounced Dipaboli in Bengali), where people light candles in memory of the souls of departed ancestors. The goddess Kali is worshipped for whole night on one night during this festival. This is also a night of fireworks, with local youth burning sparklers and firecrackers throughout the night. [edit] In Goa and Konkan Diwali begins in Konkan and Goa on the day of Naraka Chaturdashi. The houses are cleaned and decorated with Kandil, lamps, mango leaves, and marigold flowers. The utensils are made to shine, filled with water, and decorated for the holy bath the following morning. On this day, paper-made effigies of Narakasura, filled with grass and firecrackers symbolising evil, are made.[25] These effigies are burnt at around four o'clock in the morning the following day/ Firecrackers are burst, and people return home to take a scented oil bath. Lamps are lit in a lineThe women of the house perform aarti of the men, gifts are exchanged,a bitter berry called as kareet is crushed under the feet in token of killing Narkasur, symbolising evil and removal of ignorance.[26] Melas are to be found in many towns and villages. A mela generally becomes a market day in the countryside when farmers buy and sell produce. Girls and women dress attractively during the festival. They wear colourful clothing and new jewellery, and their hands are decorated with henna designs. Mehndi is applied on women's hands at a Diwali Mela. Among the many activities that take place at a mela are performances by jugglers, acrobats, snake charmers and fortune tellers. Food stalls are set up, selling sweet and spicy foods. There are a variety of rides at the fair, which include Ferris wheels and rides on animals such as elephants and camels. Activities for children, such as puppet shows, occur throughout the day. [edit] In other parts of the world Diwali lanterns at Trafalgar Square in London The Divali Nagar or "Diwali capital" in Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago Diwali celebrations in Coventry, United Kingdom. Diwali is celebrated in various parts of the world, particularly those with large populations of Hindu and Sikh origin. These include countries such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar,[27] Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Mauritius, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Guyana, Surinam, Trinidad and Tobago, the Netherlands, Canada, the United Kingdom,[27] and the United States. With more and more Indians now migrating to various parts of the world, the number of countries where Diwali / Deepavali is celebrated has been gradually increasing. While in some countries it is celebrated mainly by Indian expatriates, in others it has become part of the general local culture. In most of these countries Diwali is celebrated on the same lines as described in this article with some minor variations. Some important variations are worth mentioning. In Nepal, Diwali is known as "Tihar" or "Swanti". It is celebrated during the October/November period. Here the festival is celebrated for five days and the traditions vary from those followed in India. On the first day (Kaag tihar), crows are given offerings, considering them to be divine messengers. On the second day (Kukur tihar), dogs are given food for their honesty. On the third day, Laxmi puja is performed. This is the last day according to Nepal Sambat, so many of the businessmen clear their accounts on this day and on finishing it, worship goddess Laxmi, the goddess of wealth. The fourth day is celebrated as new year. Cultural processions and other celebrations are observed in this day. The Newars celebrate it as "Maha Puja", a special ritual in which the body is worshipped to keep it fit and healthy for the year ahead on this day. On the fifth and final day called "Bhai Tika", brothers and sisters meet and exchange gifts. In Nepal, family gathering is more significant during Diwali. People in the community play "Deusi and Bhailo" which is a kind of singing and dancing forming a group. People go to all the houses in the community and play songs and dance, and give blessing to the visited house, whereas the home owner gives some food like rice grains, Roti, fruits and money. After the festival, people donate some part of collected money and food to the charity or welfare groups and rest of the money and food, they go for picnic. People also play swing called Dore Ping made out of thick ropes and Pirke Ping or Rangate Ping made out of woods. In Sri Lanka, this festival is also called "Deepavali" and is celebrated by the Tamil community. On this day, it is traditional for people to wear new clothes and exchange gifts. Burning of firecrackers in the evening of the festival is a common practice of this festival. Hindus light oil lamps to invite the blessings of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. The festival is marked by illumination, making of toys of enamel and making of figures out of crystal sugar popularly known as Misiri. Srilanka's celebration may lack many of the traditional aspects of Diwali such as games, fireworks, singing and dancing, but the tradition of a large meal is admirably preserved. In Malaysia, Diwali is known as "Hari Deepavali," and is celebrated during the seventh month of the Hindu solar calendar. It is a federal public holiday throughout Malaysia. In many respects it resembles the traditions followed in the Indian subcontinent. 'Open houses' are held where Hindu Malaysians (Malaysian Tamils) welcome fellow Malaysians of different races and religions to their house for a scrumptious meal. This is a practice unique to Malaysia and shows the goodwill and friendly ties practised by all Malaysians during any festive occasion. Telugu Malaysians, Malayalee Malaysians, and other non-Tamil speaking Malaysian Indians celebrate Diwali on different days so as not to coincide with the Tamil Diwali celebration. In Singapore, the festival is called "Deepavali", and is a gazetted public holiday. Observed primarily by the minority Indian community (Tamils), it is typically marked by a light-up in the Little India district, the heart of the Indian community. Apart from the light-up, other activities such as bazaars, exhibitions, parades and concerts will also take place in Little India. The Hindu Endowment Board of Singapore along with Singapores' government organizes many of these cultural events during the Deepavali period. In Trinidad and Tobago, communities all over the islands get together and celebrate the festival. One major celebration that stands out is the Diwali Nagar, or Village of the Festival of Lights. It features stage performances by the east Indian cultural practitioners, a folk theatre featuring skits and plays, an exhibition on some aspect of Hinduism, displays by various Hindu religious sects and social organizations, nightly worship of Lakshmi, lighting of deeyas, performances by various schools related to Indian culture, and a food court with Indian and non-Indian vegetarian delicacies. The festival culminates with magnificent fireworks displays ushering in Diwali. Thousands of people participate in an atmosphere devoid of alcohol and in a true family environment. In Britain, Hindus celebrate Diwali with great enthusiasm. People clean and decorate their homes with lamps and candles. A popular type of candle is a diya. People also give each other sweets such as laddoo and barfi, and the different communities may gather for a religious ceremony and get-together. It is also an important time to contact family in India and perhaps exchange gifts. Diwali is becoming well known in Britain and some non-Indians join in. Leicester plays hosts to some of the biggest celebrations outside of India.[28] Diwali also coincides with British Bonfire Night traditions on November the 5th. In the East End of London, a kind of joint festival has evolved where everyone enjoys the same fire and fireworks for their own diverse reasons. In the United States, with increasing Indian population, Diwali is assuming significant importance year after year. Diwali was first celebrated in the White House in 2003 and was given official status by the United States Congress in 2007. Barack Obama became the first president to personally attend Diwali at the White House in 2009. On the eve of his first visit to India as the President of United States, Obama released an official statement sharing best wishes with "Hindus" for Diwali.[29] Indians in the US celebrate Diwali in different parts of the US, just as in India. The Diwali Mela in Cowboys Stadium boasted an attendance of 100,000 people in 2009. In 2009, San Antonio became the first U.S. city to sponsor an official Diwali celebration including a fireworks display and 5000 people in attendance.[citation needed] In 2011, The Pierre in New York City, now operated by Tata Group's Taj Hotels, hosted its first Diwali celebration.[30] In Australia, Diwali is celebrated publicly among the people of Indian origin and the local Australians in Melbourne. On 21 July 2002 an organisation “The Australian Indian Innovations Incorporated” (AIII) consisting of a conglomerate of independent organisations and individuals was formed to celebrate Indian Festivals In Melbourne. AIII facilitated opportunities to depict the cultural kaleidoscope of India and assist Indians in Melbourne to showcase Indian art, culture, style, traditions and food via various activities, seminars, festivals, fairs and events. The first Inaugural Diwali Festival-2002”, was held at Sandown Race Course on Sunday 13 October 2002. Since then until October 2008, about 140000 people visited this Australian Indian Cultural Extravaganza filled with culture, fun and cuisine. This 10 Hour Festival is depicting India through 50 Stalls, 10 Food stalls and an 8 hour cultural programme with Dj, Children's rides and spectacular fire works over the last 7 years. In New Zealand, Diwali is celebrated publicly among many of the South Asian diaspora cultural groups. There are main public festivals in Auckland and Wellington, with other events around the country becoming more popular and visible. An official reception has been held at the New Zealand Parliament since 2003.[31] Divali is celebrated by Hindus. The festival signifies the triumph of light over darkness, justice over injustice, good over evil and intelligence over ignorance. Lakshmi Mata is worshipped at this festival. Lakshmi Mata is the goddess of light, wealth and beauty. Special Divali foods are barfi and Prasad.

Diwali (also spelled Devali in certain regions) or Deepavali[note 1], popularly known as the "festival of lights", is an important festival in Hinduism, celebrated for different reasons, occurring between mid-October and mid-November. For Hindus, Diwali is one of the most important festivals of the year and is celebrated in families by performing traditional activities together in their homes. For Jains, Diwali marks the attainment of moksha or nirvana by Mahavira in 527 BC.[1][2]
Deepavali is an official holiday in India,[3] Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Mauritius, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, Suriname, Malaysia, Singapore,[4] and Fiji.
The name "Diwali" is a contraction of "Deepavali" (Sanskrit: दीपावली Dīpāvalī), which translates into "row of lamps".[5] Diwali involves the lighting of small clay lamps (diyas or dīpas) in Sanskrit: दीप) filled with oil to signify the triumph of good over evil. During Diwali, all the celebrants wear new clothes and share sweets and snacks with family members and friends.
The festival starts with Dhanteras on which most Indian business communities begin their financial year. The second day of the festival, Naraka Chaturdasi, marks the vanquishing of the demon Naraka by Lord Krishna and his wife Satyabhama. Amavasya, the third day of Deepawali, marks the worship of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth in her most benevolent mood, fulfilling the wishes of her devotees. Amavasya also tells the story of Lord Vishnu, who in his dwarf incarnation vanquished the Bali, and banished him to Patala. It is on the fourth day of Deepawali, Kartika Shudda Padyami, that Bali went to patala and took the reins of his new kingdom in there. The fifth day is referred to as Yama Dvitiya (also called Bhai Dooj), and on this day sisters invite their brothers to their homes.


A Thai historic artwork depicting the battle which took place between Rama and Ravana
Krishna and Satyabhama fighting Narakasura's armies -Painting from the Metropolitan Museum
Houses full of lights
Diwali falls on the one new moon night between mid-October and mid-November. Deepavali is celebrated for five days according to the lunisolar Hindu Calendar. It begins in late Ashvin (between September and October) and ends in early Kartika (between October and November). The first day is Dhan Teras. The last day is Yama Dvitiya, which signifies the second day of the light half of Kartika. Each day of Deepavali marks one celebration of the six principal stories associated with the festival.[6]
Hindus have several significant events associated with Diwali:
  • The return of Rama after 14 years of Vanvas (banishment). To welcome his return, diyas (ghee lamps) were lit in rows of 20.
  • The killing of Narakasura: Celebrated as Naraka Chaturdashi, one day before Deepavali, it commemorates the killing of the evil demon Narakasura, who wreaked havoc. Krishna's wife Satyabhama killed Narakasura during the Dwapara yuga. In another version of the belief, the demon was killed by Krishna or Krishna provoked his wife Satyabhama to kill Narshna, defeating Indra.
  • Govardhan Puja is celebrated the day after Deepavali and is the day Krishna defeated Indra, the deity of thunder and rain. According to the story, Krishna saw preparations for an annual offering to Lord Indra and asked his father Nanda about it. He debated with the villagers about what their 'dharma' truly was. They were farmers, they should do their duty and concentrate on farming and protection of their cattle. He said that all human beings should do their 'karma' to the best of their ability and not pray for natural phenomenon. The villagers were convinced by Krishna, and did not proceed with the special puja (prayer). Indra was then angered, and flooded the village. Krishna lifted Mount Govardhan and held it up to protect the people and cattle from the rain. Indra finally accepted defeat and recognized Krishna as supreme. Although this aspect of Krishna's life is sometimes ignored[citation needed] it sets up the basis of the 'karma' philosophy later detailed in the Bhagavat Gita.
Other events associated with Diwali include:
  • Return of Pandavas after 12 years of Vanvas and one year of agyatavas (living incognito).
Diwali being festival of lights, across India people celebrate it via symbolic diyas or kandils (colourful paper lanterns) as an integral part of Diwali decorations.
Rangoli, decorations made from coloured powder, is popular during Diwali
Deepavali celebrations are spread over five days, from Dhanteras to Bhaiduj. In some places like Maharashtra it starts with Vasu Baras.[7] All the days except Diwali are named according to their designation in the Hindu calendar. The days are:
  1. Govatsa Dwadashi or Vasu Baras (27 Ashvin or 12 Krishna Paksha Ashvin): Go means cow and vatsa means calf. Dwadashi or Baras means the 12th day. On this day the cow and calf are worshiped. The story associated with this day is that of King Prithu, son of the tyrant King Vena. Due to the ill rule of Vena, there was a terrible famine and earth stopped being fruitful. Prithu chased the earth, who is usually represented as cow, and ‘milked’ her, meaning that he brought prosperity to the land.
  2. Dhanatrayodashi or Dhan teras or Dhanwantari Triodasi[8] (28 Ashvin or 13 Krishna Paksha Ashvin): Dhana means wealth and Trayodashi means 13th day. This day falls on the 13th day of the second half of the lunar month. It is considered an auspicious day for buying utensils and gold, hence the name ‘Dhana’. This day is regarded as the Jayanti (Birth Anniversary) of God Dhanvantari, the Physician of Gods, who came out during Samudra manthan, the churning of the great ocean by the gods and the demons.
  3. Naraka Chaturdashi (29 Ashvin or 14 Krishna Paksha Ashvin): Chaturdashi is the 14th day This was the day on which the demon Narakasura was killed by Krishna – an incarnation of Vishnu. It signifies the victory of good over evil and light over darkness (Gujarati: Kali Chaudas, Rajasthan : Roop Chaudas). In southern India, this is the actual day of festivities. Hindus wake up before dawn, have a fragrant oil bath and dress in new clothes. They light small lamps all around the house and draw elaborate kolams /rangolis outside their homes. They perform a special puja with offerings to Krishna or Vishnu, as he liberated the world from the demon Narakasura on this day. It is believed that taking a bath before sunrise, when the stars are still visible in the sky is equivalent to taking a bath in the holy Ganges. After the puja, children burst firecrackers heralding the defeat of the demon. As this is a day of rejoicing, many will have very elaborate breakfasts and lunches and meet family and friends.
  4. Lakshmi Puja (30 Ashvin or 15 Krishna Paksha Ashvin): Lakshmi Puja marks the most important day of Diwali celebrations in North India. Hindu homes worship Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, and Ganesh, the God of auspicious beginnings, and then light lamps in the streets and homes to welcome prosperity and well-being.
  5. Bali Pratipada and Govardhan Puja (1 Kartika or 1 Shukla Paksha Kartika) : In North India, this day is celebrated as Govardhan Puja, also called Annakoot, and is celebrated as the day Krishna – an incarnation of god Vishnu – defeated Indra and by the lifting of Govardhana hill to save his kinsmen and cattle from rain and floods. For Annakoot, large quantities of food are decorated symbolizing the Govardhan hill lifted by Krishna. In Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, it is celebrated as Bali-Pratipada or Bali Padyami. The day commemorates the victory of Vishnu in his dwarf form Vamana over the demon-king Bali, who was pushed into the patala. In Maharashtra, it is called as Padava or Nava Diwas (new day). Men present gifts to their wives on this day. It is celebrated as the first day of the Vikram Samvat calender, in Gujarat.
  6. Yama Dwitiya or Bhaiduj (also Bhayyaduj, Bhaubeej or Bhayitika) (2 Kartika or 2 Shukla Paksha Kartika): on this day, brothers and sisters meet to express love and affection for each other (Gujarati: Bhai Bij, Bengali: Bhai Phota). It is based on a story when Yama, lord of Death, visited his sister Yami (the river Yamuna). Yami welcomed Yama with an Aarti and they had a feast together. Yama gave a gift to Yami while leaving as a token of his appreciation. So, the day is also called 'YAMA DWITIYA'. Brothers visit their sisters’ place on this day and usually have a meal there, and also give gifts to their sisters.

[edit] Lakshmi Puja

Deepavali marks the end of the harvest season in most of India. Farmers give thanks for the bounty of the year gone by, and pray for a good harvest for the year to come. Traditionally this marked the closing of accounts for businesses dependent on the agrarian cycle, and is the last major celebration before winter. Lakshmi symbolizes wealth and prosperity, and her blessings are invoked for a good year ahead. ...
There are two legends that associate the worship of Lakshmi on this day. According to the first legend, on this day, Lakshmi emerged from Kshira Sagar, the Ocean of Milk, during the great churning of the oceans, Samudra manthan. The second legend (more popular in western India) relates to the Vamana avatar of the big three Vishnu, the incarnation he assumed to kill the demon king Bali. On this day, Vishnu came back to his abode the Vaikuntha; so those who worship Lakshmi receive the benefit of her benevolent mood, and are blessed with mental, physical and material well-being.[9]
As per spiritual references, on this day "Lakshmi-panchayatan" enters the Universe. Vishnu, Indra, Kubera, Gajendra and Lakshmi are elements of this "panchayatan" (a group of five). The tasks of these elements are:
  • Lakshmi: Divine Energy (Shakti) which provides energy to all the above activities.
  • Vishnu: Happiness (happiness and satisfaction)
  • Kubera: Wealth (generosity; one who shares wealth)
  • Indra: Opulence (satisfaction due to wealth)
  • Gajendra: Carries the wealth

[edit] Diwali Greetings

  • Deepavali ki Shubhkamnayein (दीपावली की शुभकामनाएं): Greeting in Hindi
  • Deepavali Nalvaazhtukkal (தீபாவளி நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்) :Greeting in Tamil
  • Deepavali Habbada Shubhashayagalu (ದೀಪಾವಳಿ ಹಬ್ಬದ ಶುಭಾಷಯಗಳು): Greeting in Kannada
  • Deepavali Shubhakankshalu (దీపావళి శుభాకా౦కలు) :Greeting in Telugu
  • Shubh Deepavali/ Diwalichya Shubhechha (शुभ दीपावली /दिवाळीच्या शुभेच्छा ): Greeting in[Marathi]
  • Deepavali Aashamsagal: Greeting in Malayalam

[edit] Significance in other religions

Diwali, the Festival of Light, comes at the end of October or early November. It's a festival that Sikhs, Hindus and Jains celebrate.

[edit] Jainism

Replica of Pava temple at Pansara. Mahavira attained Nirvana at Pava.
Diwali has a very special significance in Jainism, just like Buddha Purnima, the date of Buddha's Nirvana, is for Buddhists as Easter is for Christians. Lord Mahavira, the last of the Jain Tirthankaras, attained Nirvana or Moksha on this day at Pavapuri on Oct. 15, 527 BC, on Chaturdashi of Kartika, as Tilyapannatti of Yativrashaba from the sixth century states:
Mahavira is responsible for establishing the Dharma followed by Jains even today. According to tradition, the chief disciple of Mahavira, Ganadhara Gautam Swami also attained complete knowledge (Kevalgyana) on this day, thus making Diwali one of the most important Jain festivals.
Mahavira attained his nirvana at the dawn of the amavasya (new moon). According to the Kalpasutra by Acharya Bhadrabahu, 3rd century BC, many gods were present there, illuminating the darkness.[10] The following night was pitch black without the light of the gods or the moon. To symbolically keep the light of their master's knowledge alive:
16 Gana-kings, 9 Malla and 9 Lichchhavi, of Kasi and Kosal, illuminated their doors. They said: "Since the light of knowledge is gone, we will make light of ordinary matter" ("गये से भवुज्जोये, दव्वुज्जोयं करिस्समो").
Dipavali was mentioned in Jain books as the date of the nirvana of Mahavira. In fact, the oldest reference to Diwali is a related word, dipalikaya, which occurs in Harivamsha-Purana, written by Acharya Jinasena[11] and composed in the Shaka Samvat era in the year 705.
ततस्तुः लोकः प्रतिवर्षमादरत् प्रसिद्धदीपलिकयात्र भारते |
समुद्यतः पूजयितुं जिनेश्वरं जिनेन्द्र-निर्वाण विभूति-भक्तिभाक् |२० |
tatastuh lokah prativarsham-araat ako
prasiddha-deepalikaya-aatra bharate
samudyatah poojayitum jineshvaram
jinendra-nirvana vibhuti-bhaktibhak
Translation: The gods illuminated Pavanagari by lamps to mark the occasion. Since that time, the people of Bharat celebrate the famous festival of "Dipalika" to worship the Jinendra (i.e. Lord Mahavira) on the occasion of his nirvana.
Dipalikaya roughly translates as "light leaving the body". Dipalika, which can be roughly translated as "splendiferous light of lamps", is used interchangeably with the word "Diwali".
Vira Nirvana Samvat: The Jain year starts with Pratipada following Diwali. Vira Nirvana Samvat 2534 starts with Diwali 2007. The Jain business people traditionally started their accounting year from Diwali. The relationship between the Vir and Shaka era is given in Titthogali Painnaya and Dhavalaa by Acharya Virasena:
पंच य मासा पंच य वास छच्चेव होन्ति वाससया|
परिणिव्वुअस्स अरिहितो तो उप्पन्नो सगो राया||
Thus the Nirvana occurred 605 years and 5 months before the Saka era.
On 21 October 1974 the 2500th Nirvana Mahotsava was celebrated by the Jains throughout India.[2]

[edit] Sikhism

For Sikhs, Diwali is particularly important which they celebrate after the celebration of Bandi Chhorh Divas (the Day of Freedom), celebrating the release from prison of the Sixth Guru, Guru Hargobind Ji, and 52 other princes with him, in 1619. The Sikh tradition holds that the Emperor Jahangir had imprisoned Guru Hargobind Ji and 52 princes. The Emperor was asked to release Guru Hargobind Ji which he agreed to do. However, the Guru asked that the princes be released also. The Emperor agreed, but said only those who could hold onto his cloak tail would be allowed to leave the prison. This was in order to limit the number of prisoners who could leave. However, Guru Hargobind Ji had a cloak made with 52 pieces of string and so each prince was able to hold onto one string and leave prison. Sikhs celebrated the return of their Guru by lighting the Sri Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) and this tradition continues today. [12]
An important Sikh event associated with Diwali is the martyrdom of the elderly Sikh scholar and strategist Bhai Mani Singh in 1737. Bhai Mani Singh was the Granthi (keeper/reader of Sikh scripture) of Harmandir Sahib (popularly known as the Golden Temple). He transcribed the final version of Guru Granth Sahib dictated to him by Guru Gobind Singh in 1704.
Bhai Mani Singh assumed charge of Harmandir Sahib's management in 1708. In 1737, he received permission from Zakariya Khan, the then Mughal governor of Punjab, to hold a religious gathering of the Khalsa for celebrating Bandi Chhorh Diwas on the auspicious day of Diwali for a large tax of 5000 Rupees. He expected to put together the required sum from contribution made by the Sikhs who would assemble that day. But on discovered Zakariya Khan's plot to kill the Sikhs during the gathering, he sent out messages warning them not to turn up for the meeting. As a result the tax could not be paid and Zakariya Khan ordered Bhai Mani Singh's execution at Lahore.
Ever since the Bandi Chhorh Diwas celebrated during Diwali is also commemorated the martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh. It is also believed that this event along with other Sikh martyrdoms gave further momentum to the Khalsa struggle for freedom and eventual success in establishing the Khalsa rule in the north of Delhi.[13]

[edit] Buddhism

While not a large occasion in some Buddhists including Newar Buddhists celebrate Diwali through the chanting of mantras and remembering Emperor Ashoka who converted to Buddhism on this day, and therefore Buddhists also know the festival as Ashok Vijayadashami. Their temples and monasteries are well decorated during this time and the Buddha is worshiped with full honors.[14][15][16]

[edit] Regional variations within India

The celebrations vary in different regions:

[edit] Southern India

  • In Southern India, the festival is called Deepavali.
  • In Southern India, Narakasura vadha is the main day, with celebrations involving bursting firecrackers at dawn after Lakshmi puja. It is celebrated as Narakachaturdashi in Karnataka,
  • Deepavali is one of the seven most important festivals of Andhra Pradesh. It is very popular with children who celebrate Deepavali because of the excitement of bursting firecrackers. Special shops to sell firecrackers are set up in all towns, cities and bigger villages. There are some traditional customs followed such as buying new clothes for this festival. Buying new home or vehicles is considered auspicious. Special sweets are made too. Some eateries in Hyderabad make some delicious sweets during Deepavali which will not be available at any other time. Meat and alcohol are generally not consumed. Tradition has it that Andhraites gift sweets during Deepavali. Some areas host local stage story telling called Hari Katha. Some areas may put a huge Narakasura dummy made with firecrackers. This will be burst by a person dressed as Lord Krishna or, more accurately, a costume of Satyabhama, the consort of Lord Krishna, who actually killed the demon Narakasura; an event that is celebrated as Deepavali for generations. The evening sky of Deepavali is a colourful sight to watch.
  • Kerala is the only state in India where Diwali is not a major festival. Traditionally, Deepavali celebrations in Kerala are on a low key affair. The native people of Kerala do not celebrate Diwali. But places in Kerala where prominent Tamil, Bengali and various North Indian communities resides, Diwali Festival is celebrated with great zest. People of these communities arrange grand feasts and go to temples and fairs, visit friends and relatives.

[edit] Gujarat

Diwali in Gujarat[9] : From aaso vad Agyaras (11th day from full/no moon) to dev Diwali people lit the diyas (now uses lamp series also) to decorate the house, which protects them from evil spirits as believed.

[edit] Agyaras: (Aso vad 11)[17]

Gujaratis begin their Diwali celebrations before Dhan Teras, on the 11th day of aaso. The day is devoted to preparing the choicest snacks and dry fruits, to wish new year to relatives & neighbours.

[edit] Vagh Baras[18]: (Aso vad 12)

This is also known as Govatsa dwadashi and Guru Dwadashi. On this day the cow and calf are worshiped. Vagh here refers to repaying one's financial debts. Therefore people clear their account ledgers (khata) today and do not enter into new transactions using new ledgers until after Labh Pancham. Vagh baras is also celebrated in a unique fashion in some Dhodia villages where some men colour themselves in stripes representing the Vagh and others as plain white or other colours denoting cattle. The tiger chases the cattle. Finally, at the end of the sport, the village inhabitants eat food together at a common place and celebrate.

[edit] Dhanteras[19]: (Aso vad 13)

Most communities worship the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, by performing puja. Material wealth in the form of gold jewelry and money (or old coins/Diamonds) are often used to represent wealth in these worship ceremonies. Gujaratis believe money spent on this day will bring prosperity to their family and home during the coming year.

[edit] Kali Chaudash[20]: (Aso vad 14)

Kali means black or mahakali (goddess who wins over black magic). Chaudash means 14. So the natives prepare Vada to Hanumanji and get protection from ghosts & evils spirits. Tantric's goes to the crematorium (called smashan in Gujarati) (called samshan in Hindi) to get powerful results.

[edit] Diwali: (30th day of aaso)

Aaso Amas
A circular arrangement of several diyas in a plate
(15th day from full moon day when moon disappears). Celebrated in all parts of India. Diwali is the last day of the Hindu year and people go to temples and thank the gods for the wonderful previous year. People wish a Happy Diwali to neighbors & relatives via cards (recently SMSs/emails/calls). The whole day is considered as the last day to prepare for the coming new year. People explode expensive fireworks throughout the entire night. Mostly natives perform special puja(worship) of the goddess of Wealth 'Laxmi'. The houses are decorated with diyas specially in open spaces opposite the front door. Even rangoli is prepared around the lit diyas.

[edit] બેસતું વર્ષ (Bestu Varas )(Hindu New year)[21]

Kartak sud Ekam(1),
  • It is referred at the Gujarati Hindu new year according to the Indian calendar based on lunar cycles, and 'Kartak' is the first month in this new year while 'Ekam' refers to the first day
  • People greet each other on this day by uttering, Saal Mubaarak. This is an Urdu saying but is said commonly by Gujarati people (Hindi/Gujarati/ Urdu), 'nutanvarsh abhinandan' is the perfect Gujarati word to wish Bestu Varas (Sanskrit/ Gujarati) "shub varsh", Happy New Year.
The day starts with heavy fireworks, to welcome New Year, in the early morning, as Hindus believe morning starts at 4am. The local young boys sell raw salt (collected from a salt evaporation pond), calling it "sabras" -- which means all taste, to make the natives' new year prosperous. Homes are decorated with the aaso palav & marigolds (galgota)/s toran (door hangings) & rangoli beside the front door. Home-made snacks are offered to the guests & neighbors who come to wish a good new year.
  • Bali pujan on this day. Lord Vaman asked King Bali for 3 strides of land (ref. Devpodhi Ekadashi for details). King Bali pleased the Lord by offering everything. In remembrance of his devotion, Vamanji gave a boon that this auspicious day will be famed as 'Balipratipadaa' (Skand Puran 24/10).

[edit] Bhai Bij[22]

kartak sud Bij(2), On this day the sister worships her brother.The brother stands for Krishna who did the noble deed of killing the demon Narkasura. Sister wishes him a long & healthy life and offers him Tilak & Aarti with warmth.The sister asks the Lord for the well-being of her brother, who is her the time where in the bond of love between a brother and sister is further strengthened as sister invites brother at her home for dinner/lunch asks God for her brother/s long and successful life while she receives presents from her beloved brother's as a token of love & affection.

[edit] Labh Pacham[23]

kartak sud pacham(5), the shop owners & most businessmen starts their business for the year, which they had closed since diwali. They start new account ledgers(Khatu) by writing "Shubh" means Auspicious, on left & "Labh" means Profit, on right & Sathiya on center, on 1st page. People also go for shopping which is said to be profitable & lucky for whole year.

[edit] Dev diwali[24]

Kartak sud Purnima (full moon day), 15th day of kartak, the belief is that, after leaving king Bali, the lord rejoined on this day. The Gods celebrated his arrival in jubilation. Locals also celebrate the day with the fire works in the morning & wishes all the relatives/neighbours new year wishes whom they could not wished during new year, as it is considered the last day to greet new year.

[edit] Cityscape

Panoramic view of Tirunelveli asked from the Palayamkottai bank of river Thamirabarani. Sulochana Mudaliar bridge, the 12-arch link between both cities, is on the far right of this Diwali 2009 image.

[edit] In Tamil Nadu

Sivakasi fireworks on display.
A chakra firework
In Tamil Nadu it is celebrated as Deepavali they celebrate this by lighting deepams, bursting fireworks, wearing new clothes and sharing sweets. A traditional visit to the Temple is a significant ritual of the day.
  • The city Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu is the capital of India’s firework industry with about 8,000 factories, producing 90 percent of the country's total fireworks output. It also has the world's largest fireworks manufacturing unit.
The entire house is cleaned and new clothes are purchased for the entire family which is followed by lighting of oil lamps around the house and bursting firecrackers.

[edit] In Karnataka

The entire house is cleaned and new clothes are purchased for the entire family which is followed by lighting of oil lamps around the house and bursting firecrackers.

The celebration of Diwali is marked by the lighting of innumerable lamps in every courtyard and the bursting of crackers. Sweetmeals, new clothes and spirit is there as in other festivals. The time for rejoicing is mainly early morning and late night. These hours of darkness bordering the waking hours are preferred as lights and crackers are the highlights of the festivities and these need darkness to have their illuminating effect. Hence people rise early and go late to sleep.

[edit] In Andhra Pradesh

In Northern India, Diwali is usually celebrated during the evenings with fireworks and diyas. However, in Andhra Pradesh, the festivities start out at the crack of dawn and carry on well into the night. Most people make a trip to the local temple along with their families to seek the blessings of their respective Gods. The night sky is lit up with a scintillating array of noisy fireworks.
People clean/white-wash or paint/decorate their homes as it is a very auspicious day; to welcome the goddess of wealth and prosperity i.e. Lakshmi devi to their homes. Homes are lit up with hundreds of diyas and colorful Deepavali Rangolis (link) adorn the doorways. After all this preparation all the members of the family perform the Lakshmi pooja. Another custom involves decorating homes with paper figures.
Festivities cut across boundaries to move on from the small villages to the big towns, often beginning almost a month before Deepawali. Sales of expensive silk saris, jewellery, ornaments, and household goods increase. From the poor to the rich, everyone indulges in the largest shopping spree of the year. Sweets, which are an integral part of any festival in Andhra Pradesh, are prepared or purchased from shops. The festival is full of messages depicting one or more aspects of human life, relationships, and ancient traditions.

[edit] In Maharashtra

In Maharashtra, Diwali starts from Vasubaras which is the 12th day of the 2nd half of the Marathi month Ashvin. This day is celebrated by performing an Aarti of the cow and its calf - which is a symbol of love between mother and her baby.
The next day is Dhana Trayodashi. This day is of special importance for traders and business people. It is also considered an auspicious day for making important purchases, especially metals, including kitchenware and precious metals like silver and gold.
This is followed by Naraka Chaturdashi. On this day people get up early in the morning and take their bath before sunrise while stars are still visible. Bathing is an elaborate process on this day with abundant use of ‘ubtans’, oils and perfumes, and is preceded by an Aarti performed on the person by some lady, usually mother or wife. The whole process is referred to as ‘abhyanga-snaan’.
Then comes Lakshmi- pooja. It occurs on Amavasya i.e. no moon day. The dark night is illuminated by lamps and at dusk firecrackers are burst. New account books are opened after a pooja. Generally the traders do not make any payments on that day (according to their belief Lakshmi should not be given away but must come home). In every household, cash, jewellery and an idol of the goddess Lakshmi is worshipped. Friends, neighbours and relatives are invited over and celebrations are in full swing. The broom used to clean one's house is also worshipped as a symbol of Lakshmi in some places .
Padwa' is the 1st day of the new month – Kartik in the Hindu calendar. It marks the start of Hindu financial year. Its a special day for Husband and wife. The wife puts tilak on her husbands forehead and gets an expensive gift. In recent times there is a growing trend of organising a cultural event called 'Diwali Padwa' early in the morning.
Bhaubeej – it is the time when the bond of love between a brother and sister is further strengthened as the sister asks God for her brother/s' long and successful life while she receives presents from her beloved brothers.

[edit] In Orissa

Deepavali is celebrated with great joy. Rows of oil lamps, candles adorn the thresholds of all houses. Firecrackers are burst, sweetmeals are relished and distributed. Some people also worship family goddess. Tarpanam is done in the morning of deepavali. All the members of the household gather together just after dusk. A rangoli(Muruja) of a sailboat is made on the ground. The boat has seven chambers in north,ten chamber in east,and twelve chamber in south.the east chamber are meant for gods.north chamber for seer or Rishi and south chambers for manes and forefathers. Over the drawing of each different chamber several items are kept - cotton, mustard, salt, asparagus root, turmeric,sweets,cakes and a wild creeper. Over the central chamber are the offerings meant for [prasad]. Perched over the prasad is a jute stem with a cloth wick tied around the edge. It is lit at the beginning of the puja. All members of the family hold a bundle of jute stems in their hands, Lighting their respective bundles from the flame on the rangoli, they raise them skywards fo their forefathers chanting: Badabadua ho andhaara e asa Aluaa e Jaao Baaisi pahacha e Gadagadau thaao (meaning-oh our ancestors,seers and gods you came on the dark night of Mahalaya,and now it is time for you to depart for heaven,so we are showing light,may you attain peace in abode of Jagannatha)
Beside the rangoli, a mortar and pestle and a plough are also kept and worshiped. After the puja and offerings, the family celebrates Diwali festival by bursting firecrackers. As in other regions, most people prefer to celebrate it in their own homes, though family gatherings are also common. For Diwali houses are brightly lit, with the doors and windows kept open as Lakshmi is supposed to visit every home, and you can't afford to leave it dark and abandoned. Various kinds of Pithas are prepared and given to the deities and forefathers, and enjoyed with family and friends. The ritual of Kali Puja is a famous affair in puri, Bhadrak, Rourkela, Cuttack &Jajpur area.[10]

[edit] In Bengal & Assam

Kali Puja in Kolkata and Assam.
Kali Puja is light-up night for Kolkata & Assam, corresponding to the festival of Diwali (pronounced Dipaboli in Bengali), where people light candles in memory of the souls of departed ancestors. The goddess Kali is worshipped for whole night on one night during this festival. This is also a night of fireworks, with local youth burning sparklers and firecrackers throughout the night.

[edit] In Goa and Konkan

Diwali begins in Konkan and Goa on the day of Naraka Chaturdashi. The houses are cleaned and decorated with Kandil, lamps, mango leaves, and marigold flowers. The utensils are made to shine, filled with water, and decorated for the holy bath the following morning. On this day, paper-made effigies of Narakasura, filled with grass and firecrackers symbolising evil, are made.[25] These effigies are burnt at around four o'clock in the morning the following day/ Firecrackers are burst, and people return home to take a scented oil bath. Lamps are lit in a lineThe women of the house perform aarti of the men, gifts are exchanged,a bitter berry called as kareet is crushed under the feet in token of killing Narkasur, symbolising evil and removal of ignorance.[26] Melas are to be found in many towns and villages. A mela generally becomes a market day in the countryside when farmers buy and sell produce. Girls and women dress attractively during the festival. They wear colourful clothing and new jewellery, and their hands are decorated with henna designs.
Mehndi is applied on women's hands at a Diwali Mela.
Among the many activities that take place at a mela are performances by jugglers, acrobats, snake charmers and fortune tellers. Food stalls are set up, selling sweet and spicy foods. There are a variety of rides at the fair, which include Ferris wheels and rides on animals such as elephants and camels. Activities for children, such as puppet shows, occur throughout the day.

[edit] In other parts of the world

Diwali lanterns at Trafalgar Square in London
The Divali Nagar or "Diwali capital" in Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago
Diwali celebrations in Coventry, United Kingdom.
Diwali is celebrated in various parts of the world, particularly those with large populations of Hindu and Sikh origin. These include countries such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar,[27] Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Mauritius, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Guyana, Surinam, Trinidad and Tobago, the Netherlands, Canada, the United Kingdom,[27] and the United States. With more and more Indians now migrating to various parts of the world, the number of countries where Diwali / Deepavali is celebrated has been gradually increasing. While in some countries it is celebrated mainly by Indian expatriates, in others it has become part of the general local culture. In most of these countries Diwali is celebrated on the same lines as described in this article with some minor variations. Some important variations are worth mentioning.
In Nepal, Diwali is known as "Tihar" or "Swanti". It is celebrated during the October/November period. Here the festival is celebrated for five days and the traditions vary from those followed in India. On the first day (Kaag tihar), crows are given offerings, considering them to be divine messengers. On the second day (Kukur tihar), dogs are given food for their honesty. On the third day, Laxmi puja is performed. This is the last day according to Nepal Sambat, so many of the businessmen clear their accounts on this day and on finishing it, worship goddess Laxmi, the goddess of wealth. The fourth day is celebrated as new year. Cultural processions and other celebrations are observed in this day. The Newars celebrate it as "Maha Puja", a special ritual in which the body is worshipped to keep it fit and healthy for the year ahead on this day. On the fifth and final day called "Bhai Tika", brothers and sisters meet and exchange gifts.
In Nepal, family gathering is more significant during Diwali. People in the community play "Deusi and Bhailo" which is a kind of singing and dancing forming a group. People go to all the houses in the community and play songs and dance, and give blessing to the visited house, whereas the home owner gives some food like rice grains, Roti, fruits and money. After the festival, people donate some part of collected money and food to the charity or welfare groups and rest of the money and food, they go for picnic. People also play swing called Dore Ping made out of thick ropes and Pirke Ping or Rangate Ping made out of woods.
In Sri Lanka, this festival is also called "Deepavali" and is celebrated by the Tamil community. On this day, it is traditional for people to wear new clothes and exchange gifts. Burning of firecrackers in the evening of the festival is a common practice of this festival. Hindus light oil lamps to invite the blessings of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. The festival is marked by illumination, making of toys of enamel and making of figures out of crystal sugar popularly known as Misiri. Srilanka's celebration may lack many of the traditional aspects of Diwali such as games, fireworks, singing and dancing, but the tradition of a large meal is admirably preserved.
In Malaysia, Diwali is known as "Hari Deepavali," and is celebrated during the seventh month of the Hindu solar calendar. It is a federal public holiday throughout Malaysia. In many respects it resembles the traditions followed in the Indian subcontinent. 'Open houses' are held where Hindu Malaysians (Malaysian Tamils) welcome fellow Malaysians of different races and religions to their house for a scrumptious meal. This is a practice unique to Malaysia and shows the goodwill and friendly ties practised by all Malaysians during any festive occasion. Telugu Malaysians, Malayalee Malaysians, and other non-Tamil speaking Malaysian Indians celebrate Diwali on different days so as not to coincide with the Tamil Diwali celebration.
In Singapore, the festival is called "Deepavali", and is a gazetted public holiday. Observed primarily by the minority Indian community (Tamils), it is typically marked by a light-up in the Little India district, the heart of the Indian community. Apart from the light-up, other activities such as bazaars, exhibitions, parades and concerts will also take place in Little India. The Hindu Endowment Board of Singapore along with Singapores' government organizes many of these cultural events during the Deepavali period.
In Trinidad and Tobago, communities all over the islands get together and celebrate the festival. One major celebration that stands out is the Diwali Nagar, or Village of the Festival of Lights. It features stage performances by the east Indian cultural practitioners, a folk theatre featuring skits and plays, an exhibition on some aspect of Hinduism, displays by various Hindu religious sects and social organizations, nightly worship of Lakshmi, lighting of deeyas, performances by various schools related to Indian culture, and a food court with Indian and non-Indian vegetarian delicacies. The festival culminates with magnificent fireworks displays ushering in Diwali. Thousands of people participate in an atmosphere devoid of alcohol and in a true family environment.
In Britain, Hindus celebrate Diwali with great enthusiasm. People clean and decorate their homes with lamps and candles. A popular type of candle is a diya. People also give each other sweets such as laddoo and barfi, and the different communities may gather for a religious ceremony and get-together. It is also an important time to contact family in India and perhaps exchange gifts. Diwali is becoming well known in Britain and some non-Indians join in. Leicester plays hosts to some of the biggest celebrations outside of India.[28] Diwali also coincides with British Bonfire Night traditions on November the 5th. In the East End of London, a kind of joint festival has evolved where everyone enjoys the same fire and fireworks for their own diverse reasons.
In the United States, with increasing Indian population, Diwali is assuming significant importance year after year. Diwali was first celebrated in the White House in 2003 and was given official status by the United States Congress in 2007. Barack Obama became the first president to personally attend Diwali at the White House in 2009. On the eve of his first visit to India as the President of United States, Obama released an official statement sharing best wishes with "Hindus" for Diwali.[29] Indians in the US celebrate Diwali in different parts of the US, just as in India. The Diwali Mela in Cowboys Stadium boasted an attendance of 100,000 people in 2009. In 2009, San Antonio became the first U.S. city to sponsor an official Diwali celebration including a fireworks display and 5000 people in attendance.[citation needed] In 2011, The Pierre in New York City, now operated by Tata Group's Taj Hotels, hosted its first Diwali celebration.[30]
In Australia, Diwali is celebrated publicly among the people of Indian origin and the local Australians in Melbourne. On 21 July 2002 an organisation “The Australian Indian Innovations Incorporated” (AIII) consisting of a conglomerate of independent organisations and individuals was formed to celebrate Indian Festivals In Melbourne. AIII facilitated opportunities to depict the cultural kaleidoscope of India and assist Indians in Melbourne to showcase Indian art, culture, style, traditions and food via various activities, seminars, festivals, fairs and events. The first Inaugural Diwali Festival-2002”, was held at Sandown Race Course on Sunday 13 October 2002. Since then until October 2008, about 140000 people visited this Australian Indian Cultural Extravaganza filled with culture, fun and cuisine. This 10 Hour Festival is depicting India through 50 Stalls, 10 Food stalls and an 8 hour cultural programme with Dj, Children's rides and spectacular fire works over the last 7 years.
In New Zealand, Diwali is celebrated publicly among many of the South Asian diaspora cultural groups. There are main public festivals in Auckland and Wellington, with other events around the country becoming more popular and visible. An official reception has been held at the New Zealand Parliament since 2003.[31] Divali is celebrated by Hindus. The festival signifies the triumph of light over darkness, justice over injustice, good over evil and intelligence over ignorance. Lakshmi Mata is worshipped at this festival. Lakshmi Mata is the goddess of light, wealth and beauty. Special Divali foods are barfi and Prasad.